Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Love always..your sister.

"Naomi! Leave us alone! Stop following us around, she came here for me..not you." And of course I ran into the house with tears streaming down my cheeks in self-pity, trying to convince Mom that I should be allowed to "hang out" with my sister and her friend.
"They're allowed some time alone, just leave them be." 
Not exactly the answer I was looking for, so I made up my mind to be the most annoying and frustrating sister that ever lived for the rest of the day. :P
In case you were wondering, this was when Jacinda and I were both young, selfish and immature little brats :D Now, I'm not saying we're old, selfless and most mature now ( trust me, we're still very immature at times :D) but I think we can both safely say that we've grown up in the last few years. 
   Jacinda and I were the perfect example of what NOT to be as sisters. Our characters were so different (still are, but we've found a common ground now :) and we were constantly butting heads. We both had attitudes...big ones. While she was the bossy "miss know-it-all," I on the other hand was the cry-baby...big time. I couldn't take a joke, even if it was the funniest one ever told. :P Absolutely no teasing allowed...if that rule was broken, Naomi started bawling and wallowing in her own self-pity. Pretty pathetic if you ask me. It was bad..really bad. 
   As I look back now, I can't imagine what our lives would be like if the both of us hadn't been graciously saved by God's glorious hand. I'm pretty sure it would be awful.
Let's just say, that Jacinda and I have grown out of that selfish and petty relationship, and into one that's, how shall I say it..amazing?
She's been such a mentor to me...especially in these past few years. We used to share a room...actually as I write that down, I remember a good memory of when we were younger..let me share. :) 
   So it's the night before Jacinda's birthday and we're laying in our matching pink and white beds.
 "Jacinda, are you still awake?" I ask in a hushed tone (so I didn't get in trouble for talking of course :D).
 "Yea" came the more than awake answer of an excited birthday girl...
"I'm not telling you what I got for your birthday, but it starts with a 'P'" (I can't even write this without laughing :P..) We're what? Like 8 and 10..something like that. Jacinda starts guessing and I'm pretty sure it was the second answer when she got it right. 
"A pin?"
"Maybe...stop guessing!" 
"It is! It is!"
"Shhh..just pretend you don't know ok?" 
Jacinda had this knack for getting things out of me...whether I wanted to tell or not :P 
   Anyways..back to my story: before Jacinda got married..when we still shared a room, her and I used to talk at night. She always knew when something was wrong and she'd ask me about it. Like I said before, she knows how to get things out of me, and I always ended up telling her. (Which in the end, ended up being a blessing to me) She always knew what to say (still does), and she was always there to give me a hug and pray for me.
   Jacinda's married now (my big sister is married! :O) this pretty amazing guy Brad, and they're expecting their first child. (My niece or nephew!!!! :):) She's not always around be expected, but I have to say, she's still as amazing as she was before she got married...if not more :)

What's the moral of the story? Well, I didn't really have one in mind when I started :P but I guess you could say that sister's are a blessing. I'm ashamed when I think of our relationship when we were younger, but by God's grace, I'm reminded that our lives are not our own and our plans aren't always His. 
   Girls, if you're reading this and you have a sister...treasure them. I mean, really treasure them. It doesn't matter whether their older or younger ( I also have two younger sisters), just make sure you work at having a good relationship with them..not good...but special. Get to know them, so you can develop a special bond of trust, honesty and love. It's definately worth it in the long me! Because God's given you your family...take them as a gift.   
   And guys...if you weren't actually bored out of your mind and read this to the end...Let me just say that girls adore brothers. Sure you might be annoying and frustrating at times (I speak from experience, seeing as I have one older brother) you may tease us alot and try our nerves till we cry :P, but there's still something about having a brother, that makes us want to smile..even when we think we're very angry and upset with you make sure you love your sisters..and show it, 'cause trust will mean something.


  1. *BAWL*

    sniff, sniff~okay so that totally pulled on my heart strings. :)

    I laughed out loud too when I read about the part where you gave away my birthday present-some of these memories just seem like yesterday eh?

    So, you think I used to be a young, selfish, immature brat? Hmmmm. now whatever gave you that idea?! :P

    I miss hanging out with you everyday. Looking forward to seeing you tonight :) I think Sisters are one of God's greatest blessings-especially if they're like you :) Love you! Thanks for making my day!

  2. *BAWL*
    memories are amazing..
    and thanks for confirming the part about me being a cry -baby :P :)

    Love you too <3

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