Monday, April 27, 2009


So as I said in two posts previous, I had several piano competitions this past week. Just as some inside insight as to previous attempts over the last what; 11 years? I have never won more than probably 5 firsts. I always either, place second or third, or tie with someone, or just simply..don't place :P So this year, I wasn't expecting anything different, I was going to play my best, and be happy with what the outcome was. Little did I know...(and much to my own teacher's shock), I won my class: Class 179 - Romantic: Papillons, Opus 2 by Robert Schumann. (aka...dreadfully long and most mentally exhausting composition!) 
   Anyways, I won that class..I thought I was done. I was rather shocked, but extremely happy about it...However, as I was handed my ribbon and critic page, I also received an envelope. In this envelope was an invitation....TO PLAY AT THE TROPHY COMPETITION ON SATURDAY NIGHT!
   " I don't want to do it!" was my super enthusiastic response :D "I'm done with that piece."
"Naomi Ruth Kroesbergen, you're playing." Funny how the same reply came from both my parents I go to my teacher's house for a lesson on Tuesday..."Naomi, you have to play! And you HAVE to come for an extra lesson before that!" (spoken in thick Russian accent) 
   I was too busy to end up coming for another lesson..much to Olga's dismay :P But, I played anyways...because I had too. As I was sitting there waiting for my turn to come, I was praying 
" Lord, I'm asking you to just let me play my piece through, help me to not get distracted and just guide my fingers."
   "Naomi Kroesbergen." I walk up to the piano, heart pounding like a million and one hammers inside my chest...I bow..I take my place at the piano. I've never ever done something like this before in my entire life, so right at that moment, there's so many many second guesses swirling around inside my head. I need to focus. I take a deep breath and place my fingers on the keys...I start.
   Needless to say, I made it through the WHOLE 2o minutes of my song. Not perfect...there were several mistakes, a few wrong notes here and there...but overall, I was just relieved I made it through :) A silent prayer escaped my lips the second my fingers lifted off that last note, "Thank you Lord!"
   I walked back to my bench, and started to breath again..I didn't realize I had been holding my breath the whole entire time, until I sat down. (word of advice...breathe while you play, it's a whole lot more relaxing that way :D) The competition ended and the judges made their decisions. My name wasn't called that night for the W.Ross MacDonald Trophy...and I was okay with that. God had helped me play well, and that for me was so much more satisfying.
   So it's Sunday afternoon, we're all around the table eating soup (typical Dutch Sunday lunch :)..and the phone rings.
 "Hello, Naomi speaking..."
 "Hi Naomi, this is Naomi Morrison" (what a coincidence :P) "I just wanted to let you know that the judges have awarded you the Angus Jewellers Trophy as well as a scholarship, and they have chosen you to perform at the Stars of the Festival on Friday night."
 "WHAT?! Are you sure? I won a trophy?!" Not the most polite way to answer someone who you've never talked to before, let me tell you :P Anyways, as I said goodbye and clicked the 'end call' button on the phone..I just sat there. Five pairs of eyes looking expectingly at me..."I won a trophy...I can't believe it!" I still can't believe it, I'm still in shock. It's one of the most amazing surprise phone calls I have ever received...
   I can't actually perform on Friday, because I would much rather be at AOC enjoying coffee stress added. :) But just the fact that I was given that "Wow!"..that's all I have to say right now.
   Thus ends my most excitingly, stressful and completely surprising week of April. I couldn't have done what I did by I guess what I'm trying to say is this: use your gifts for God. Don't play for the praise of man, and satisfaction of yourself...He was the one who gave you those talents, so trust Him to help you in using them for the furtherance of His glory. It's an incredible thing let me tell you!


  1. inside insight eh? hehehe: insight is inside sight :)

    you did such a good job-when do you get your trophy then if you're not performing on Friday?

  2. lol..I know, it just added to the effect ok? :P

    I can go and pick it up they ya :)

  3. HOKY DINA!! You must be super happy. I'm proud of you...if that makes any sense:)

  4. That is so true what you said about playing for God. It's almost like you are not playing. There is this added extra super charge that you don't have otherwise. He does this with everything we do. Which makes me wonder why I ever do anything without him.
    I wish your piano playing was on your blog. That would be so cool. Congrats.

  5. wow CONGRATS Naomi!!
    I'm proud of you! :)
