Thursday, February 25, 2010


Tomorrow is goodbye to three very precious little children: Amber, Rueben and Kurtis...
I've been their nanny for eight months now, and this chapter in my life that's coming to a's been such an incredible learning experience..
There's so many special memories, so many sweet moments, there's been days where ya, they're kids, and I'm not a mom, and I had to learn patience and love when it's most hardest..
Amber: such a sweet beautiful girl..her dimples and shy smile are enough to catch anyone's attention. She does such a good job of helping me. She's very particular about things mind you...there has to be butter on her bread with the jam, no pepper on her eggs, no other coat will do besides the pink one and Naomi MUST give her three hugs and three kisses every day when she gets dropped off at school..and at the end of every day when I leave for home, Amber runs to the jeep to start it for me, then lets me get in, gives me a hug and asks "are you coming tomorrow??"... every day... Then I get seventeen kisses blown as I leave the driveway :)..I'm gonna miss this girl.. <3
Rueben: the adventurous, and highly mischievous boy :) Rueben is a very typical boy. As in the kind of boy who LOVES anything that squiggles and squirms and is slimy or just..gross. :P He also finds great delight in the fact that his nanny, very strongly dislikes anything of that kind. VERY much so. I've had more than my fair share of bugs and squiggly things down my shirt, or in my purse, or crawling up my pant leg...and then the array of giggles that come along with that when Naomi finds out what's actually on her.. ;) But Rueben is also a sweetie. I get my hug as soon as I step out of the jeep when we get to school..and every day when I leave he runs to the door, gives me a hug and says "bye Naomi! Are you coming tomorrow?" :)..I'm gonna miss his silly grins and maybe even his mischievous streak :)...<3
And last but definitely not least..Kurtis: my pumpkin :) This little guy, is one of the most adorably, unique and highly energetic little boys you'll ever meet. Shopping with him gets comments coming from every member of the female population, in his vision.. seeing as the moment we walk through the automatic doors and he sees one he says "hello lady!" and flashes his huge grin :) Charmer..Kurtis loves to help me in the kitchen, every morning when I get him out of bed he says "eggs fo bwekfast Omi?" When I say yes, he runs to the kitchen to push a chair up against the counter, then gets the frying pan out of the oven drawer and climbs up on his chair once he has the eggs from the fridge..he knows where every thing is and wants to help with EVERYTHING :P...including vacuuming (which is an added bonus ;) I'm going to miss his giggles when we have tickle fights, and his cuddles when he gets out of bed, or sits on my lap with chicken pox, and I'll just miss his adorable little self keeping me company every day all day..
Being a nanny these past months has been a huge learning experience for's been such a blessing to be able to have spend so much time with these special little ones..I've not only learned so many things just in every day things, but also things I can use if I get married and have a family one day, Lord willing...It's not always been an easy road..there were days when I felt so overwhelmed, and that my life was just too busy and stressful and I didn't know if I could keep doing it..but I would miss the kids when I would be off for a few days, and I would be ready to get back at it on Monday..This chapter in my life is coming to a close...It will be hard saying goodbye, that much I know..but a new chapter, a plan that He's so perfectly already ordained is starting...

I hate goodbyes..


  1. Dear Naomi,
    You have given 100% to being a special nanny. It's going to be very difficult for me too, to say goodbye. I'm going to miss babysitting Kurtis each week and all the "aunt Klaske...I'm hungwy, can I have applestroop..."Aunt Klaske, I want to help at the counter... aunt Klaske, that juice is too spicy!" All morning I hear... "aunt Klaske..."
    Even putting away the toys tonight it just kind of broke my heart to think that Kurtis wasn't going to come and ask me a dozen times to fix the batteries in the drill.
    As you part with the kids, Naomi, remember, they have a special God who promised to be with them. We continue to pray that the they may all come to trust the Lord Jesus who promises to be a father to the fatherless (in this case a mother to the motherless).
    I hate goodbyes too.
    Thank you for being very dedicated and going beyond the call of duty.

  2. Naomi, I too want to express my gratitude for all you have done for these dear motherless children. Although I barely know them, and am not related, I think what you did for them was amazing. You gave 100% of yourself, and I'm sure that these dear children saw and felt your deep love for them. Goodbyes are not fun, but are a part of life. These poor little ones also begin a new chapter, and again a change in their lives. Although you won't see them every day any more, continue to pray for these precious little souls (and their father) as I know that you have already, and surely will continue.
    As you venture out into the next chapter of your life, keep your eyes upward and in all things praise your Lord and Redeemer. I wish you all the best, and pray that the Lord may help you through this time of transition, and that He may grant you all that you stand in need of. I love you Naomi! Keep in touch. I always love it when you come over, so remember, come anytime. You are always welcome.
    Love Aunt Connie

  3. Dear Nomes, I wish I could be with you right now as this is a very hard day for you! I'm prayin for you that God will give you what you need as you close this chapter of your life.... YOU gave everything to raise these childrne to the best that you could do with God's help as you weren't their mom but you took over and made it as normal as possible! from waking them every morning to making their dinner at night and everything in between!! I miss you like crazy and i love you even more! I never loved good byes... i never liked them and i never will.... :'( but keep God as your focus as you continue on with the path that God has in store for you!! i really hope to see you tonight and if not tonight then i'm strongly hoping that a sleepover will happen :D I LOVE YOU!!!!
    Love, Cassie
