Thursday, July 2, 2009

Look whose back :)

Wow, I've definately been lacking in the consistency side of things with my blog. I apologize for the lack of new posts, and HOPEFULLY I'll be a little more up to-date from now on :S
So, now I have the problem of coming up with something to write about :P I guess I could start off with telling you about my new job :)
Starting Monday Lord willing, I'll start a full-time job as a nanny of three children; two boys and a girl: ages 2,6 & 8. To be honest, despite what alot of people have told me about me would happen, i.e. ending up being stressed out, having too much work and not any extra time, being overwhelmed with everything....this has always been a dream job for me. I've always wanted to do this sort of thing, and honestly, it couldn't have come at a better time. It's such a blessing to finally have something full-time, as well as something I love. I'm so excited!
So what does this "dream job" include? Most mornings I'll start the day between 5:30-6:00 a.m. and end it between 5:30 - 6:00p.m. For the summer, I'll have all the kids home with me, so groceries with three children, laundry, housework, coming up with meals for the day...and most exciting...POTTY TRAINING :P (Mom loves to tell people that I'll be so good at it that I'll be able to teach my new brother or sister when he or she enters this world...but she's allowed to dream right? ;)) and keeping the kids occupied and happy should prove to be a challenge, but I truly believe that it will be one of the most enjoyable challenges. (So if anyone has any suggestions for exciting things to do with them, or recipes that I should try, any advice for making a child stay on the potty..anything!...I would LOVE to hear it!)
In the fall, I'll be taking the two oldest to school in the mornings, and I'll have the youngest with me through-out the day. I decided that I didn't want to just quit all my piano students, so I'll be trying to fit lesson times in through the day as well as after I come home in the evenings, to get them all taught each week. I'm sure I'll be extremely busy with it all, so that's why I'm warning you now, and apologizing if I ever seem like I never time for anyone anymore. I promise you I'll try my utmost hardest to keep in touch and not be an "I can't go out tonight cause I wanna go to sleep" type friend..:D
So...that's my life right now, and Lord willing for the next while. Who knows what will all happen, but for the time being, I'm so excited to start!

If you could, I would love for you to keep me in your prayers. I'm going to need them I know.


  1. Summer is always the best time to potty train because they can run around with nothing on 'downstairs'. Its alot easier to potty train when you're arn't pulling off a 2 layers and just have to pick the little one up and RUN!!!!!! :P

  2. haha-Jana's funny :D

    I hope your new job works out well for you-you'll do great! And pretty soon you'll be able to give Brad and me lots of parenting tips! :)

    Thanks for blogging again! I missed you

  3. We hope that the Lord will make you a tremendous blessing in the home and that you will have many opportunities to tell them much about the Lord Jesus, the Father of the motherless.
    We'll miss you at home, but I know how much you've always desired to be help a needy family in some way, and the Lord has left this door open for you for now.

  4. Im sure you will do amazing! I'll be praying for you!

  5. Where will this Nanny job take you? Will you be living with the family? Do take care of yourself:)

  6. Thinking of and praying for you! Sounds like a very interesting job, have fun! :)
    Hope things are well...♥

  7. so um..I'm not really sure where to start :P
    Anonymous..would you mind revealing yourself :D..please and thank
    Rachel..I work about 8 minutes that's really nice because I can use his vehicle to get there and back every day.
    and Estelle..thank you very much for your thoughts and prayers! I'm really going to need them..

    things are going really well :)
