Wednesday, January 6, 2010

A few more.. :)

The Girls <3 - Cheryl, Jacinda, Naomi, Heidi

My lovely mother and I <3

Wes and Jana Kroesbergen <3

Brad, Jacinda and Charity Vandenberg <3

<3 Mom and Dad <3


  1. The pictures turned out great!

    Mom and Dad look so good-what great parents eh? :)
    We love you!

  2. I completely agree! She did a really good job!!!

    We're very richly to have them as our parents!

  3. Very nice pictures! Seems like you've all changed a lot since we saw you last.. Maybe just your outward apperence.. =)

    And Naomi, I think you meant to say "...richly blessed..." lol....

  4. Hey Naomi!
    Nice blog!! Awsome pictures! Music, I had no idea were it was coming from :)
